The Top 10 Signs Your Wife Is Cheating On You

1. Physical changes in her appearance.
She normally dresses differently but nowadays she takes a little more care and also wears stuff without even asking you anymore, whether you like it or not. In the past she would always ask for your approval but now she no longer does. She is wearing sexy and attractive outfits all of a sudden. Beware. She is not wearing it for you.
2. How she treats you.
This is really important and is always the initial sign. If she has started to treat you differently from the way she used to, then this could be a sign. Any change in behavior is questionable, especially if she was very loving before and now no longer is.
3. The things she has started to say...
She no longer speaks of things that interest you or people you know. But is always talking about new things and new people she has met. Her tone of voice and body language can say a lot.
4. Work habits...
She will always make an excuse that she has to work late and when it becomes a regular thing, is the dangerous part. She may be busy elsewhere.
5. Her complete routine has changed...
You are definite that she is very strict about routine. And now all of sudden, she has broken all the rules and timings set by her only. Daily routine is no longer important to her. And dinner is never ready at times. Watch out.
6. In regard to her finances...
Always keep a watch on her spending or her credit card bills. This is a sure way of finding out as most affairs cost a lot of money. And this cannot be hidden for long.
7. Travel has increased...
When she keeps saying that she has to travel on company business, try to find out with whom or for what through your own sources. It might help you.
8. Complete change in attitudes...
If she is having a relationship, she will definitely start being rude to you and neglect you all the time. Sometimes it may be subtle but still keep a watch for change in behavior.
9. Never at home...
This is a sure indicator as for most women their home is where their heart is. But if you realize that she is never at home when she should be, then something is up buddy. Take care.
10. Too many telephone calls...
Marital affairs mostly on the phone. That is the only way of keeping in contact as they don't reside in the same house. Keep your eyes open for phone bills or sneaky talk behind the closed bedroom door. Unfaithfully Yours, is what she is telling you, in not so many words. Be wise but never rash.
from Tujifunze Mapenzi
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